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5 Possible Effects of Eating Too Much Meat

Is eating meat good or bad for your health? That’s the million-dollar question that seems to divide opinion with murky answers from every corner. Nevertheless, researchers and experts seem to agree that eating too much meat might not be good for anyone looking to live a long, healthy life. Regularly eating red and processed meat increases the risk of many health conditions, including heart disease and cancer.

While it’s okay to eat meat, there should be a balance. Red meat contains high levels of cholesterol, saturated fats, and sodium; therefore should be consumed in a limited fashion. Eating meat in moderation as part of a balanced diet is highly advised if anyone wishes to stay clear of the following effects.

Eating too Much Meat Effects

Increased Heart Disease Risk

Diets that are rich in fiber help in protecting the heart. Eating too much meat only deprives the body of the much-needed fiber that could put too much toll on the heart. In addition, if your meat choices are red and processed, the prospect of them being high in saturated fats is always high, which raises cholesterol levels and increases the risk of heart disease.

Studies have also shown that chemicals produced in the digestive tract after eating red meat increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Additionally, moderate intakes of red and processed meat have also been associated with a greater risk of bowel cancer.

Risk of Skin and Hair Condition

Eating too much meat leaves one feeling full most of the time with no room for other healthy foods. Therefore, there is a good chance that there will be no room for a more plant-based diet where the body can derive much-needed vitamins.

While Vitamin C is rarely found in animal products, eating too much meat only deprives one of this key ingredient. Vitamin C, found mostly in plants, is what gives the skin, hair, nails, and one’s structure. Its deficiency could result in the skin being rough and bumpy. In addition, the risk of interesting body hair growth or falling is always high.

Dieticians’ advice on finding a balance between animal products and plant-based diets. It is the only way the body can get the much-needed vitamins for healthy skin and hair.

Persistent Fatigue

Unlike any other diet, meat requires more energy to digest. Therefore, eating too much of it puts more pressure on the body to generate more energy for digestion. Therefore, if you are always fatigued after a bumper meat diet, it could be a sign that the body is overdriving and trying to digest it.

The energy needed to digest the meat-heavy meal properly could make you feel sluggish, foggy, and sleepy after eating. This is because as the body works to digest the meat, blood flow is directed to the gut to prioritize the process, which means diverting much-needed energy from the brain.

Constipation Risk

Meat has no fiber, which helps a lot in digestion. Eating too much beef deprives the body of the much-needed fiber needed to enhance digestion. Therefore, it increases the risk of constipation, which is synonymous with painful bowel movements.

The fact that meat takes a lot of time and energy to digest also leaves one feeling full most of the time with no room to ingest other nutrients rich food, like veggies and fruits, that can help digestion.

Bad Breath

Finally, eating too much meat has increased the prospect of developing bad breath. This is because the meat is high in protein and fats, which causes the body to produce ketones. Given those ketones are released through the breath, they can cause it to smell like acetone.

Bottom Line

Meat consumption should be done in moderation to prevent the risk of many conditions, including heart failure or stroke. People with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and a family history of cardiovascular disease should also avoid eating too much meat.

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