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Top 5 Intermittent Fasting Tips

Intermittent fasting is a practice that many swear by regarding weight loss and staying healthy. An Annual Review of Nutrition study has shown that intermittent fasting can cause one to lose 1% to 8% of their baseline weight. Nevertheless, it takes more work to fix weight problems and boils down to how it’s done and what one does after an extended fasting period.

While there are many ways of intermittent fasting, no one type is more effective. Likewise, each person’s experience is different, given the different styles used. However, below are the most important tips to keep in mind while getting started on this eating mode to try to lose weight and stay healthy.

Intermittent Fasting Tips

For Newbies, Star Slow

Intermittent is not and can never be a magic bullet for losing weight. Therefore, it is important to start slow as a way of reaping the full rewards over time. For newbies, going for long periods without eating can be a challenge. Therefore it is important to start with small fasting periods and increase them gradually.

For example, you can start with a 12-hour fasting period during which you consume beverages with zero calories, such as water or tea. Later on, you can have a 12-hour eating window. Such a window can work by having an early dinner and not consuming anything at night.

Once you are comfortable with 12 hours of fasting, you can gradually increase to 16 and 24 hours.

Set and Know your Goals

Intermittent fasting can be hard to stick with if you don’t have an end goal. Therefore, it is important to define why you are doing it and try to record the milestones achieved along the way. While it can get difficult along the way, especially for people fasting for up to 24 hours, it is important to have the big reason in mind.

Some stick to intermittent fasting as a way of losing weight. In this case, one should record the amount of weight loss every month and set new targets. Additionally, some stick to it as a way of improving gut health.

Additionally, never compare yourself to what others are doing. For example, if you can only fast for 12 hours, stick to it rather than straining with a 24 hour fasting period.

Drink Lots of Water

For people that fast for long periods, it is important to stay hydrated all the time. Given that the body is 60% water, it is essential to remain hydrated to keep body organs functioning properly. Also, drinking water can help quench hunger cravings as the stomach will stay full. Therefore, drinking a gallon of water is highly recommended to keep the cravings for food away.

Fasting Schedule

In addition, it would be better to fast during the night as the body is at rest and does not require much energy. Therefore, eating an early dinner and prolonging breakfast can help increase the number of hours one fast.

You can always stay busy in the morning to push back the urge to eat. This way, you can push eating to a later time, thus prolonging the fasting period.

Eat Enough

Contrary to popular belief, intermittent fasting is not all about restricting calories. Instead, it combines various factors, from eating the right types of food to the right amounts. In addition, physical activities should also come into play to boost metabolic activities to burn down excess fats in the body.

Eating too few calories can significantly damage your system and slow the thyroid, making it difficult to lose weight. Consequently, it is important to eat nutrient-dense after long periods of fasting.

Bottom Line

Intermittent fasting is not a quick fix to weight problems. Instead, it is a gradual process that helps one embark on healthy eating habits. While there are many types of intermittent fasting, it is important to settle on one depending on individual metabolic needs and activity levels.

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